Olomouc for
November 25 – 27, 2021
Hotel NH Collection
Olomouc Congress, Olomouc, CZ
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The OL4PERMED (Olomouc for Personalized Medicine) meeting program will cover latest topics of pathology, molecular pathology, predictive oncology, and histology as well as COVID-19 section. OL4PERMED creates an interdisciplinary platform to exchange and disseminate knowledge, meet your colleagues, and collaborate with Czech and international experts involved in research and diagnostics.
COVID-19: The disease full of surprises
Safety pack includes GARGTEST kit for PCR sampling and KN95 respirators for every conference guest
Safety pack includes GARGTEST kit for PCR sampling and KN95 respirators for every conference guest

OL4PERMED conference will hold 4 meetings
XLVI. Congress of Czech Pathologists with International Participation
November 25–27, 2021
XVI. Days of Molecular Pathology
November 25–27, 2021
XXIV. Congress of the Czech Society of Histotechnologists
November 26, 2021
XVI. Diagnostic, Predictive and Experimental Oncology Days
November 25 – 27, 2021
OL4PERMED 2021 COVID-19 Safety Measures
OL4PERMED is committed to providing a safe meeting environment and to ensuring the health and safety of all participants.
Conference participants must meet one of the following conditions:
— Proof of vaccination against COVID-19 more than 2 weeks prior to the congress.
— Negative PCR test no older than 72 hours.
All participants must wear a respirator mask inside the building.
MedChemBio – cluster
Šlechtitelů 813/21
783 71 Olomouc-Holice
ID: 72023970
VAT: CZ72023970
Bank detail: 227436802/0300
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