Regular access: 3950 CZK
Add the social event access + 50 CZK
Student (undergraduate, postgraduate) access: 2500 CZK
Doesn’t include an access to a social event
Histotechnologists access : 2450 CZK
Add the social event access + 50 CZK
1-day access (26th November 2021): 1500 CZK
Doesn’t include an access to a social event
Additional access to a social event: 1200 CZK
Evening buffet and bevarages (alcoholic and non-alcoholic) included
Partners registration: 0 CZK
Only for sponsors
The registration fee includes small snacks during the conference program and 2 lunches on the 26 th and 27th of November, 2021, served at the NH hotel restaurant.
Conference fee includes VAT.
Conference Venue:
Hotel NH Collection
Olomouc Congress
Legionarska 21, 779 00
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Pokud máte problém s registrací v anglickém jazyce, pro český překlad klikněte prosím ZDE.

All participants must wear a respirator mask inside the building during ongoing conference.
Business and cancellation conditions
1. Registration for the event can be made no later than November 20, 2021.
2. Payment for participation must be paid by bank transfer no later than 23.11.2021.
3. Cancellation must be done no later than 23.11.2021. The conference fee will be refunded in full.
4. If the registration is canceled after 23.11.2021, the conference fee will not be refunded.
By registering for the conference, you agree with the business conditions of the event, which become binding upon submitting the on-line registration.
MedChemBio – cluster
Šlechtitelů 813/21
783 71 Olomouc-Holice
ID: 72023970
VAT: CZ72023970
Bank detail: 227436802/0300